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Image of Jenine and Carl at Beach
  • Heal the original wounds that create your continual cycles of disharmony

  • Resolve past emotional blockages that keep sabotaging your relationship

  • Build a strong foundation, improve compatibility, and true long-term fulfillment 

  • Enhance communication, express clearly, and be seen for who you truly are

  • Regain passion, emotional intimacy and a renewed sense of attraction

  • Learn the tools for better moments and a happier, healthier life together

  • Stop Accepting

    Anything Less

    If you're struggling with the pain and frustration of feeling disconnected, you deserve a deep and meaningful bond, where you feel seen, heard, and loved unconditionally.

    It's time to learn the secrets of building a healthy, lasting, connection, with our couple's program.

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    Heal With Us

    For Free

    To help grasp our transformative approach firsthand, here are two free guided visualization tracks. They won't completely solve your relationship issues just yet, but they'll give you insight into one of the potent techniques and empathetic support that we bring to our work.

    Don't miss out on this valuable opportunity – click the link to download your free gift now.

    Start Feeling Better
    Testimonial Description of Client Success
    Testimonial Description of Client Success
    Testimonial Description of Client Success

    Explore Our Collective Approach

    We understand that relationships are complex and require far more than just talking about problems in a search for solutions. That's why we offer a unique combination of emotional and intellectual support from both the masculine and feminine perspectives that ignites your resolution with precision.

    As dual-practitioners, we provide one of the only couples programs where you receive the combined support of two leading counselors at once, as we take a collective approach to shape a balanced emotional connection for a deeper understanding of your needs, desires, and challenges. It is from here, that we guide you to create the deep, meaningful connection you are looking for in your relationships.

    Jenine Lori Cofounder Secret To Life Institute, Inner Child Specialist

    Jenine Lori 

    Jenine is the co-founder, creator of Secret To Life, and a leading expert in the field of personal development, dedicated to helping others awaken their unique gifts and to step into their authentic selves. With her groundbreaking approach, Jenine's method focuses on healing the wounded child, allowing individuals to reconnect with their child essence, where all solutions reside.

    As an acclaimed and internationally recognized figure, Jenine's methods has been proven to be life-changing for countless individuals, with her contributions to the field being recognized through numerous awards, best-selling publications, and global training programs for clients and practitioners alike.

    A skillful subconscious facilitator and world-renowned Inner-child specialist, Jenine's deep understanding of the human psyche has helped transform the lives of individuals from all walks of life. Her method of releasing original wounds has brought light and hope to many who had previously struggled with mental and emotional trauma while tapping into their true potential and find a path to a brighter, more fulfilling future.

    Carl Schirtzer co-founder president Secret To Life Institute, Subconscious Specialist, NLP Board Certified Trainer, Astro=psychologist

    Carl Schirtzer

    Co-founder and President of Secret To Life, Carl is an internationally board-certified trainer and acclaimed master practitioner of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), a master hypnotherapist, accredited astro-psychologist, and celebrated transformational expert. He is highly-versed in a diverse range of modalities that ignite the human spirit and unlock full potential. 

    Passionate about guiding others to healthily navigate the three playgrounds of the unconscious, Carl utilizes astrological axioms, universal principles, and the hidden language of the subconscious, to gently and completely heal from past wounds to reclaim your most empowered self.

    He offers powerful methodologies, rarely shared perspectives, and revolutionary techniques to purposefully influence interactions and aspirations, to master one's own story. Empowering individuals to transcend their challenges, Carl's focus is aimed to awaken one's full capacity and guide clients to evolve into the best version of themselves, so to experience life, love and deepened connection like never before.

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