From Undesired to Desired Results With Hypnosis Sessions
I was asked to share my thoughts on the approach to explain what hypnosis is as well as how to motivate the person to become a client. So...
A Simple Way To Convey Hypnosis To A Stranger
I was asked to share my thoughts on the approach to explain what hypnosis is as well as how to motivate the person to become a client. So...
Trauma Bonding...A Deeper Look to Karmic Relationships
Have you ever experienced a relationship where you feel an instant connection, yet also a great deal of drama associated with it? As if you've known this person for a long time?
If You Don't Address Your Childhood Trauma, Your Relationships Will
Unconscious unprocessed childhood emotions are being experienced by adults on a massive scale! All you have to do is look around at how "adults" are acting.
Navigating a World of Wounded Children
I literally began to witness that every adult I had a conflict with was acting like a child having a tantrum. And in truth... they really were!
The Secret To Reconnecting To Pure Consciousness
I believe that humans can transcend suffering by going back to what we call the "original wound". So what is the reason behind
True Freedom Through Healing Childhood Wounds
I speak a lot about finding that place of true happiness and harmony. But, what is at the root of what's keeping most people from actualizing the life they truly desire, free from suffering
The Healing Power of Expressing from your Inner Child
Open your mouth only if what you say is more beautiful than silence. I used to be the type of person who
The Healing Power of Remembering the Child Within
Inside every one of us is a child that wants to know we are seen, we are loved, and we matter.
This is Not Talk Therapy
I studied human behavior for years. I became a bookworm and spiritual junky looking for the "Secret to Life" and happiness, realizing through many surrender moments, that answers were never...
9 Ways To Self-Sabotage Success
I trust you know that the vast majority of people unconsciously sabotage their own success. The questions to consider are why and how can you not join them. Let's explore.
Releasing Fear With Submodalities
Yet another example of the use of an NLP technology in daily interactions, this one stems from a family story.
How To Get What You Want
Have you ever noticed that some have a magnetic attraction and achieve whatever they desire easily and effortlessly? Then, there's the majority, who fail to make headway time and again. Perhaps...
Dealing With Unresourceful Memories
A discussion on why we replay unfavorable memories, why some linger repetitively, and, what can you do about releasing unresourceful thought patters
How Filters Shift Your Reality
Many believe that what they witness as their reality is the hard truth. Well, what if it wasn’t…what if what you believe becomes what you see, and that reality is subjective? Let's explore.