Let Our Kids Be Kids
One of the biggest challenges we can have as parents are not realizing our children don't perceive reality as adults. Even if they seem mature for their age, they're still young. We do our children a huge favor when we recognize they are still emotionally developing. They're not an adult yet. It's actually counterproductive for their development to push them to grow up too fast.
We can't skip steps with emotional development. On the contrary, I have found that those children who were forced to grow up too quickly and who skipped out on being able to be a child, remain emotionally stuck in certain areas from childhood. Whatever age they were forced to "grow up" too fast will be where they will emotionally regress back to when faced with a challenge. When confronted with adult decisions at a young age, when it comes time for actually making difficult decisions as an adult, the person can find themselves checking out, being thrown off balance, or being triggered both physically and emotionally.
We live in a society where we push kids to grow so quickly. I often hear parents bragging about how grown up their child is or even talking to them as if they understand adult conversations. We do it completely out of love, unconsciously of course. We feel it's what's best for our kids. It seems intuitive to set our children up to be as prepared as they can be in a world where trials and tribulations are the norms.
Unfortunately what I have experienced over and over again when this happens from young children up to adults is resentment. At the core, most of the people I work with will present deep hurt and resentment for feeling they missed out on childhood. Somehow they were asked to leave childhood too early and want to go back to what was lost. Of course, this right here is why Inner-child work is so effective.
For those who have seen the movie Parenthood, the movie touches on this quite a bit. Remember the little baby hitting his head against the wall with a bucket on his head, compared to the little girl who wasn't allowed to play because she was always being prepped for a spelling contest? Which one do you think would end up being more successful overall in life? In my opinion, it will most likely be the kid with the bucket on his head.
I know it sounds crazy, but reality seems to prove it to be so.
There's plenty of time in life for adulting.
The Secret to a healthy life is found in embracing the joy and playfulness of youth for as long as we can.
So let our kids be kids!
About Jenine
Co-founder, creator, and leading expert in freeing others to awakn™ their unique gifts and step into their authentic self, Jenine's propriety method, based on healing the wounded child, guides you to reconnect with your child essence™, the Sacred You™, where all solutions reside.
An award-winning, international, best-selling author, skillful subconscious facilitator, and inner-child specialist, she continually embodies and demonstrates a simple truth...that anything is possible if you believe...even unicorns!