Child Essence™ Jenine Empowerment Subconscious Must Read

This is Not Talk Therapy

Aug 15, 2021

It's an incredible feeling that happens when I witness the positive transformations happening in our clients.

Imagine this...when someone comes to you in deep pain seeking help and within a short time they are turning their lives around. Or, someone who was heartbroken, now attracting a loving relationship. Even, people with fears about money launch successful businesses. Someone with a health challenge that seemed to be taking a turn for the worst miraculously shifts to a state of better health. And, watching families in disharmony getting closer. It's an absolute joy to witness. At times I'm still awestruck by the power connecting to and healing the child essence holds.

Is it really THAT simple?

Can honoring this place within us, that connection to the child essence that I teach others, really help us shift so quickly?

I believe it can! I confidently say this because I've personally come through this process myself! I walk the walk... don't just talk the talk!

And while there are many roads to healing and transformation, I speak so highly of this one which is now my passion and life path because it shifted me like nothing else I've ever experienced before.

In my own journey, I studied human behavior for years, both through formal education and life experiences. I became a bookworm and spiritual junky trying to find the "Secret to Life" and happiness realizing through many painful surrender moments, that the answers were never going to be found externally. I found myself feeling momentary better but then again thrust back into the perpetual cycle of struggle as circumstances triggered old wounds and I'd find my happiness suddenly turn to dysfunction.

I began to look at these patterns within myself and studied what was consistently showing up through my struggles. It was always the same underlying emotion. A feeling which brought me back to the place where the original wound began. As if I was a child needing to be seen, heard, and unconditionally loved during those painful moments. But by whom? And why? Wasn't I an adult now? Weren't these memories in the past? They're over! Or were they? Did I really ever get over them? Or was the little girl inside me still screaming for attention and expression and if so by whom? Could I give it to her NOW to change the moment?

I believe the answers to these questions are seen in the transformations I have personally experienced and now witness in our clients.

We watch these positive transitions happening with our clients from the sidelines unfolding, as we don't frequently hear from our clients for too long after we work with them. Why would we? They're in a better place now! See it's not our goal to keep people dependent on us, it's not "talk therapy" where we talk around a problem in circles. We provide insight into the root cause of the dysfunction and give our clients the clarity to see where it's originating and the tools to move through it on their own.

The result...

Authentically happier people with the belief that anything is possible because they now know where to look for the answers.

Wishing you a magical day,

About Jenine

Co-founder, creator, and leading expert in freeing others to awakn™ their unique gifts and step into their authentic self, Jenine's propriety method, based on healing the wounded child, guides you to reconnect with your child essence™, the Sacred You™, where all solutions reside. 

An award-winning, international, best-selling author, skillful subconscious facilitator, and inner-child specialist, she continually embodies and demonstrates a simple truth...anything is possible if you believe...even unicorns!